8mile Run, 16mile Bike, 8mile Run Box Hill

After a what I considered to be a light week of training with minimal swimming and only 10-13km run bike bricks, single workout sessions & a couple of Abs workouts I saved my training for Saturday. With the weather looking more than respectable for cycling with highs of 7 Celsius I donned some of the new Zoot tri gear. The legs were out!

I started off being dropped off by my buddy spoondog who dropped me off at the car park of Box-Hill where I started my run and felt pretty good but not great. Kept a relatively steady heart rate and headed off on the slight accent for 3km before picking up the pace from there towards Headly and then a sharp decent towards juniper hall on a piece of road my buddy’s and myself call the rate run which is a very slight descending gradient so I could pick up the pace again. I then made my way to the infamous Zig-Zag to start my accent of the 4.75 degree incline of the 3km stretch.

I met Spoondog at the top with my bike all ready to go for Transition 1 and headed straight off on the bike for a two lap loop of the 8Mile circuit previously completed on the run. I sat in on the tri bars and passed numerous people out with their teams and social rides. Made a steady set of times and headed back up to meet Spoon at the top of the second lap to don the trainers for the second run.

This is my first time doing any sort of run, bike, run distance in which I consider worthy of calling a duathlon. So overall I had a good day of training and I look forward topping it next week or sooner but with two weeks to go now until the kinetica ball-buster 2nd March.

Shento out>>

Boxhill bike/run brick

Had a very cold and wet cycle throughout the laps of Boxhill I did on saturday starting out with my old training buddy @louisslinger to start with then upped the pace before meeting both louis and my support vehicle for the day spooner with my running shoes ready at the top for a slow transition into the 8mile lap run course which ill be doing for the kenetica ballbuster early March. Felt good after getting into the run and shaking off what felt like some chill burns from the cycle. Kept it slow and steady with the accent of the zigzag to follow at the end of the lap.

It was a tough day all in all with the weather not helping but was happy to get a good brick session in regardless. Look forward to performing the run first then next time to see how i fair with the bike run to follow in the race.

Kinetica Ballbuster

Shento out>>

Swim & Treadmill half marathon

So yesterday I had a cold start whilst waiting for the doors to open at the gym for my 6:30 start swim. Nice gentle 1.1km swim then off to work.

After work I got to the gym pretty tired so jumped on the treadmill & started running and didn’t look back. Just left it on a nice easy 12km per hour and after around 30 mins I started feeling better. When I hit the hour mark I thought I would up the elevation to 6% incline just to simulate roughly the box hill run I’ll be doing in march. Went well and did a further 4km at that then dropped it back down to 1.5% incline before finishing off the 21.1 km stint.

1km warm down to complete with some dynamic stretching. Although I didn’t half get some strange looks from others doing them.

Shento out>>

Treadmill 19.2km

Nice treadmill run today of 19.2km in 1:30hr which for just under a half marry wasn’t to bad. Annoyed i didn’t quite reach the 21.1km though as i felt fine. Was under instructions not to be late for sunday roast with the family though and got there with 1 minute to spare. Browny points for me.

Roast lamp was the fruits of my rewards. Thank you mother.

Ps big news to in the near future. Exciting stuff ahead.

Shento out>>

Part one in the lance interview

Just read a number of reflections regarding the part one interview in the Lance Armstrong confession doping Gate.

In my opinion he has confessed to the bare minimum so far and nothing which will litigate him further. There may also be no federal case to stand for based on his half confession. He comes across even more calm, confident, calculated, concise & cocky (alliteration 1-0) & displayed no real remorse so far.

Read more reputable opinions here.

Staying up to watch part deux.

Shento out>>

People are Awesome

This video is one of my youtube favourites. Some parts actually look as close to 3D without classes as i suspect is possible on youtube.

People are Awesome

Overall despite the snow ruining my training for today I am resting well for a long effort planned on the turbo trainer tomorrow followed by my long run perhaps on a treadmill if the gym staff decide the snow wont hold them back.

Shento out>>